The benefits of meditation are many. If you help people meditate, and want your own virtual assistant to reach out to them and help them meditate, then this prototype for chatbot should be best for you.
If you’ve introduced a new item or are trying to get more sales for a similar product, this chatbot prototype will help you make those dollars that have been missing. This chatbot also works as a personal consultant and convinces users to make a purchase.
This chatbot prototype will help you out if you’re looking to provide faster responses to customer questions that are repetitive in nature. It lists the FAQs, and offers details about how to deal with them. Use this chatbot today and get your customer service better.
If you’re a website of e-commerce willing to let your customers pre-order their desired items, this prototype of chatbot can allow you to do that in no time. It lets you gather all the details you need to pre-book a customer’s product.
Are you a product registrar looking to obtain countrywide product registration to follow up with your customers and keep track of their products? This prototype chatbot will help you do that in just one minute. Collect all the product information needed from your customers for registration of their products.
Make your employee transfer process simple and smooth with this free HR chatbot prototype that allows you to collect the required information for a successful transfer, including the department needed, scheduling needs and salary.
Everything in this fast-moving environment is transitioning to digital where human dependency is less. The one solution is this Healthcare chatbot prototype. It helps your clients order their prescription medication as they sit on a chatbot at home. The chatbot conducts the whole process of gathering medical data, medication name, and its dose.
Would you like to streamline your maintenance requests? Then this chatbot prototype will help you collect customer requests and understand their problems and concerns, so you can act on them.
Do you spend most of your collection request on technical support from your staff? Well, you can use this chatbot template to streamline your process. It will collect the initial information for you to forward the request.
This chatbot design lets you gather patients’ requests for medical reimbursement or claims by removing the additional mailing time. It is the simplest and fastest way for the customers to lodge their claims.