eGenius a Solution from Enlink

Category: Others

Feedback is vital for every company because it provides a sense of what customers think about their products / services and what needs improvement in all areas. Now a days, however, customers are very reluctant to go through a whole boring process to give their feedback. But what if a chatbot could transform that into an interesting operation. Try this feedback chatbot template, and see how your response rate increases.

This chatbot feedback prototype serves as a forum through which people can provide input from gaming studios. If you’re in this industry and you’re curious what your customers feel about the games you ‘re making and how you can better them, go to this chatbot to get their feedback.

Do you still use the old techniques to collect data from users? Trying this B2B chatbot prototype is high time then. With this chatbot, your customers can share their details, choose their preferred date and time of appointment and choose what kind of consultation they are looking for.

Government schemes are often beneficial to the public, particularly to groups with low income. Still, these schemes and their advantages often get difficult to understand. What if a chatbot would help in an engaging and simple way to understand those complex schemes? Try this free chatbot prototype which will make it easy to pass complicated information to your people.

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