eGenius a Solution from Enlink

Schedule Meeting

Chatbots for Meeting Scheduling

Let your customers book an appointment with an ease of button clicks

Free 14 days trial. No payment info needed. No coding required.

Problems in Schedule Meeting

Meetings are an integral part of every business, and they are more crucial in certain industries like banking and finance, real estate, healthcare and more. These industries work on meetings with their clients because there is no other way to discuss the nitty-gritty of their services.

Many times clients are unable to call you during your working hours, and then they wait for your business to open the next day. It’s a waste of time. And what if they fail to meet on the set date and time? They’ll have to call you again and reschedule.

How eGenius can Help

With eGenius 24/7 availability, your clients can book an appointment with you at any time of the day.

Schedule a Meeting chatbot can display your free time slots on calendar for any given day. Your customers can easily check which date and time slot fits their needs and book an appointment with you. All appointments booked through eGenius will be automatically organized in your Google Calendar.

The chatbot will also remind you and your customer with an email, so that you don’t forget about the meeting.

Looking for Quick Solution? Browse our Templates

Client Consultation Chatbot

Client Consultation Chatbot

Do you still use the old techniques to collect data from users? Trying this B2B chatbot prototype is high time then. With this chatbot, your customers can share their details, choose their preferred date and time of appointment and choose what kind of consultation they are looking for.

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Why eGenius

Drag and Drop Tool

Quickly build your chatbots with easy to use drag and drop tool. You can customize it according to your needs anytime.

Higher Conversion

The ease of use and convenience mixed with a fun conversation can easily improve your conversion rates.

Interactive Conversation

Make your conversations interactive with easy-to-answer questions and more personalized responses.

Improve Lead Quality

Complete the lead qualification process with conversational questions and generate high quality leads.

24/7 Availability

24/7 customer support won’t be a problem anymore. eGenius can help your visitors with their queries at any time of the day.

Reduce Cost

eGenius can help you stay online and be available to everyone all day and night at a minimal cost.


  1. Will I have to operate the Meeting Scheduling chatbot manually?
    No, once you have set up the chatbot, you won’t have to do anything else. The Meeting Scheduling chatbot will sit at the bottom right of your website and be available to assist your customers 24/7. It will interact with thousands of visitors that come to your website and answer all of their queries efficiently. You can be assured it will increase your lead generation and conversion rates drastically.
  2. Does the chatbot to Meeting Scheduling have calendar integration?
    Absolutely, yes. Being in business can be hectic, and any help to keep you up-to-date with your work and meetings is integral today. eGenius can alert you as well as your client regarding the upcoming meeting via email alerts and notifications on your mobile phone.
  3. The Meeting Scheduling chatbot is compatible with Google Calendar and can add all of your set appointments to your daily schedule.

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